A Piece of thick, stiff paper. Find 'card' in your space today.
A Piece of thick, stiff paper. Find 'card' in your space today.
WheelA circular object that revolves on an axle. Find a wheel in your space today.
The old mangle in my garden
SOS ... Sunday, September 30, 2007
SPS ..... Saturday, September 29, 2007...... Not a great photo, done in a rush............ my dark roots are coming through and I feel the need for a wee change in colour ........... but what colour? (I've been to the shops twice this week to buy dye and forgot to get it both times, I'd forget my head if it wasn't screwed on) LOL
CushionSoft furnishing to adorn a chair. Show us cushion in your space.
JugA container from which eases the pouring of liquid. Show us your jugs! A-hem.
I've had this jug for about 12 years now and it has never been used as a jug, it always has flowers in it. I remember when I bought it from Marks & Spencers it cost me £10, which I thought was a lot of money for a jug. Well I couldn't have felt that guilty about buying it 'cause I bought the large matching bowl, which was £10 too, and that is always filled with fruit.
SpongeA natural (often man made!) material to soak up liquids. Show us a sponge in your space......
Couldn't find a sponge in my house today..... hunted high and low. All I could come up with was my 23 year old daughters Spongebob Squarepants tin. She just loves him!!! :-)
DogMan's best friend. Have you got a lil pooch in your space?
Well this was an easy one, the only trouble was which dog to use....... so here are a few of the dogs in my space today!!!! :)
Excellent catch up, Debbie!! The one of the mangle brings back memories!
The mangle is fabulous,and the jug reminds me of something someone once said to me about something I thought was a bit too expensive. If you mentally spend a pound every time you use or wear it, and you reach the cost of it, then it was worth it. I'm sure you have filled your jug with flowers more than enough times.
Also love those dog pics, I am not a dog owner, or a dog lover, but I do have a very soft spot for border collies. Oh,and I see your profile - when I get in a mess with our double entries can I call you please, lol? I'm learning sage, and it's driving me bonkers, I'm too old for this.
You've really been busy catching up!! I love all your pics, but the mangle wheel really did bring back memories! Fab shots!
Fabby catch up... love the wheel and the spongebob tin:)
All really wonderful shots. I love your jug - it's so pretty!
Great catch up. Love the mangle
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