
Saturday, 14 July 2007


On HS:MS the last word ended with N so I have taken Night as my prompt. The photo below was taken in March when I got my new camera and I was playing about with it and taking photos of the full moon.


This week I have been making a Bebo, all my family seem to have one so I thought I might as well join in so I can keep up with what they are doing. I have enjoyed looking at all their photos and chatting with my nieces and nephew who I just don't get to see as much as I would like.
Fearne has only about 11 days left till she has her pups, she is getting quite big now, but she is keeping well. Just 1 more week at work then I am off for a week to be with Fearne and the pups...I can't wait!!! :)


Jolanda said...

Great picture. I'll bet you're very happy with your camera!

Aubrey Harns said...

Ohhhh, great shot!!! & The font is perfect for it. Nicely done.